23rd Jul 2024

Leopard Guernsey RSC Witham Penzance Propco Limited. (Registered number CMP61191)

Notice to la gazette officielle

The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 as amended

 Leopard Guernsey RSC Witham Penzance Propco Limited. (Registered number CMP61191)

Leopard Guernsey RSC Witham Penzance Propco Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation) (Incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number CMP61191) ———— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Written Resolution of the Members of the Company was executed on 20 December 2019, the following Special Resolution was confirmed: “THAT the Company be voluntarily wound-up in accordance with Section 391 of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008, as amended and Belasko Administration Limited, of 2nd Floor Windsor House, Lower Pollet, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1WF, be appointed as Liquidator (the “Liquidator”) of the Company.” All persons owing monies to the above- mentioned company are requested to settle the account concerned directly with the Liquidator. All persons having claims against the above-mentioned company are requested to send a detailed account thereof to the Liquidator on or before 12th August 2024. Belasko Administration Limited, Liquidator of Leopold Guernsey RSC Witham Penzance Propco Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation),  2nd Floor Windsor House, Lower Pollet, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1WF.

Dated this 22 July 2024